I don’t have kids. I mean, I have 500 Jerseys that are basically like toddlers, so maybe I do? However, I am a farm kid. So, allow me a moment to remind farm parents of
June is coming . . . did you read that ominously, like from Game of Thrones? You should have because June is almost here, and it’s looking like it’s going to be a battle. Online, at least
In my previous blog, I wrote about how animal rights activist groups are attempting to sway farmers to their side by offering resources to switch from dairy to growing crops that can be used to make plant-based...
A few months ago, I had the bright idea that it would be great to start my kids showing cattle and invite their friends to do the same. I thought, “Hey! We can house them and all work with them together!”
Last Sunday, Joaquin Phoenix used his fame to denounce dairy farming to millions of people. If I’m being completely honest, I’m a little impressed that he was able to slip the phrase “artificial...
My job with the dairy checkoff is to study everything that is going on outside of the dairy industry. While that may seem like somewhat of a disconnected way to work on the dairy farmers’ behalf,...
Kobe Bryant's death has been all over the media. While an NBA superstar's life has little effect on us dairy farmers, the harsh reminder of his tragic passing is that life is way too short
A new year is right around the corner, which means it is resolution season. Many consumers will be thinking about new health and fitness goals and looking for information on how they can meet them
Earlier this month, I was on the West Side of Chicago to volunteer my time rejuvenating a rundown park. A group of 300 volunteers mulched trees, planted greenery, and picked up trash
How many people have you heard utter that sentence? I feel like once a day someone in my vicinity says it out loud. Imagine it, your perfect vacation. Maybe it’s a sandy beach at some fancy re